Core Ideas That Flow Through Everything
I have a framework that I use to help people get clarity and momentum when starting an online thing or reinvigorating that previous thing because it’s kinda…flatlined
I call it my Clarity in Action Framework and it has four aspects to it that support you to create, grow, harvest and rejuvenate yourself and that business you’re creating. A bit like following the seasons if you will.
One of the key ideas in the framework, that flows through the whole thing, are these more ‘mystical and physical’ aspects. I believe these are key factors in creating, building and sustaining anything you are doing - but in this case, creating that online thing*. They help create spaciousness, health and clarity in your mind, body and heart. These perhaps seem esoteric but are actually critical, vital, fundamental even to your sustainable, healthy creation, growth and success. Being healthy in your mind and body is the meaning of success. The rest follows.
So here they are. They might seem simple, but oh, are they powerful.
*by ‘thing’ I mean something you want to create online that brings purpose, money and freedom to your life - so a course, program, workshop, side-hustle, side-business, fully-fledged online business!
Move your body. Always.
Go for a walk. Do some yoga. Jump up and down on the spot. Doesn’t matter. Just move your body. THIS brings clarity. In your body and your mind.
Consider having a regular, closed eyes practice.
Meditation, breathwork, kriya, prayer - pick your potion. Whatever works. But do it - the space and clarity it brings is vital.
Always make a decision and take an action.
No matter how small. This is what will move you forward. Take ownership of your decisions and action - otherwise, who is taking them for you? A small action everyday moves you in the direction you want to go. Make a decision, take an action today, whatever that looks like.
These things are PRICELESS. To start and run a successful, aligned and sustainable ‘thing’, you MUST look after yourself and your health first. Clarity comes from this too.